" Mom, please make me a plush "

This is how the Crodoux adventure began: when my daughter asked me to make her an animal to protect her night from bad dreams. A crocodile sketch was born from a freehand pattern drawn on a corner of the bed and some scarves and scraps of fabric recovered here and there as padding. Subsequently I became so fond of these impromptu requests that other companions came out of the room to the delight of my two daughters.

The Crodoux is the result of a frantic search for balance between form, softness (a lot of softness!!), ability to cuddle, security and a great sympathy required to enter the popular circle of «chief stuffed animals».
Believe me : all my prototypes were put to the test, they even passed the certification tests! Then I saw Crodoux travelers in trains, cars or planes, I even saw some Crodoux flying through the rooms to end up huddled under small sleeping heads.

My children’smile at the sight of each of my creations led to other smiles, sometimes even on unexpected faces! From a small beast all round and expressive was born a real passion: that of making with care and love the one who will become the everyday companion.

“Le Crodoux est le plus court chemin vers un instant de bonheur”

Créatrice de la marque, je suis passionnée par cette nouvelle aventure qui apporte le sourire aux personnes les plus inattendues. D’une petite bête toute ronde et expressive est née une vraie passion : celle de confectionner avec soin et amour celui qui deviendra un compagnon de tous les jours.

Floriane Benoit
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